Seros77 thought he still could win the game. He played exhaust and wanted to bite. But earth strike saved me. 
Sosound played a lot a exhaust, happy to win this game.
Amazing, straight faced two players who used to give up. 
It's not obvious but I won this game. Cheggi gave up as he used to do.
Fouth battle against generalmente, after two wins thanks to a big mistake from him, and a defeat while he taunted me. The first round gave me a big advantage because he lost about 50 points, surprised by my leviathan. But the next rounds, I could just counter his exhaust bite and try to save my points. I feel the wind of the defeat but I had a lot ot totems... and it allowed me to snatch the victory.
Lost the two first battles against Spartacus and while the second one he could have exhausted me each rounds. The day after this second loose, while our third duel, he didn't have the same draw. He played some amazing cards like a Jade Prayer. He couldn't resist me and was happy to stock this negative series.
Think that I won about 90-95% of my battles against wynnwicked, the most experimented player of the game. A player still courteous for who I have a very big respect. And may be, tomorrow, the things will be differents for him. 
As a fan of the Liverpool FC, I can have a lot of respect for a man who choice to call him Mourinho in the game. Much more that he doesn't know courtesy. What ever, I already defeated 4 times in 4 duels. But now, he reached the top 5 of the ML. So I was very careful while this battle. I think he improved his defense and was happy to win again. 
Bad evening, faced three time wynnwicked and lost twice... 
And faced twice Bois and won once...

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