Legend column by column:
A- Raking of the players, there are 30 masters in the masters league (ML)
B- Name of the masters 
C- Yellow, master I defeated once ; brown, master I never defeated ; white, master I never faced, black is me !!
D- Number of week end tournament wons
E- Date when the master reached the ML for the first time : first the year (17 = 2017) and the week (33 = 33th weeks of the year)
F- Date when the master reached the first position for the first time
G- Date of the last update of the datas of the master
H- Current Mmr
I- Best Mmr reached
J- Highest position reached
K- Level of the player
L- Ratio of victories. If the player uses to give up, this date isn't relevant
M, N- Number of games played, number of wins withe the last update
O, P- Max damage given, Max damage suffered
Q- Difference between domage given and damage suffered
S, T-  Number of games playerd, number of wins before the last update
U, V, W- Differences between columns M and S, N and T. W = V / U. These datas are the statistics of the player while the last week.

Masters League : Last update 20170813

Alternative ranking for the 30 masters, based on the week when they reached the ML for the first time, the best MMR reached and the best ranking.

Masters League : Last update 20170806

Two new players reached the ML for the first time :
. Nhkowakpacabynk
. Borodaborodat

Masters League : Last update 20170730

Three new players reached the ML for the first time :

Masters League : Last update 20170723

Four players reached the ML for the first time while the last week :

Masters League : Last update 20170716

Only one new player reached the ML while the week for the first time :

Masters League : Last update 20170709

Masters League : Last update 20170618

Only one new player reached the ML for the first time :
negro drama
Alternative ranking of the ML : based on the best Mmr reached and the number of games played

Masters League : Last update 20170611

Masters League : Last update 20170604

Only one new player reached the ML for the first time :


Masters League : last update : 20170528

Three players reached the ML for the first time :
. SOSKAbol
. emce00000001
. maximo88
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